Many periodontal dental conditions require special treatments or surgery to achieve the best possible outcomes.
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The full spectrum of periodontal treatments are now available to your patients in your hospital:
Periodontitis is a serious gum infection that damages the soft tissue and can destroy the bone that supports your pets' teeth. Periodontitis can cause tooth loss or worse, increase the risk of other serious health problems. The primary objective for the veterinary dental patient is to achieve and maintain a mouth free from pain and infection.
Many factors influence the decision to perform periodontal surgery including the extent of disease, causes of disease, duration of disease, and age of the patient. Periodontal surgery can be very rewarding for the patient. Common treatments include open root planning, tissue-guided regeneration, crown lengthening, pocket reduction, and others.
Proper probing, charting, and radiograph interpetation are necessary to identify periodontal pockets and determine the appropriate treatment.
Complete probing finds hidden disease
Dr. Klarsfeld is available for consultation to help you determine if periodontal treatment is indicated and readily accepts calls and e-mails from veterinarians and pet owners at (954) 471-4202 and